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Whey Protein Diet

Whey Protein Diet and Losing Weight

Lose weight with the whey protein diet.

Do you want or need to lose weight? Have you tried other diets and exercise with no success? Been there, done that. Weight loss is not easy, but the newest whey protein diet offers an alternative to the fads diets. Whey protein is a powder you can mix in milk to create a great tasting protein shake.

Whey protein can help you lose weight because it is a meal replacement drink. A regular meal can quickly add up to a large number of calories. Choosing to replace a meal with a whey protein drink cuts out many of those calories. Whey protein has little to no fat and carbohydrates. As such it has few calories. Plus the 20 to 30 grams of protein convinces the human body it is full and suppresses the appetite. This appetite suppression really sets whey protein apart from aother meal replacement drinks.

What is Whey Protein?

Whey is made from milk. Milk itself is high in protein. Mammals such as human beings, cows and goats produce milk to feed their offspring. The purpose of milk is help the children grow. The evolution of mammals is the reason for the protein benefits of milk. Of course, milk also contains fat and sugars. This is because children require other nutrients besides protein.

Whey is the liquid that remains after you curdle milk and remove the solid curds. This is a common process in cheese manufacturing. It is then dried to make whey powder. This powder is mostly protein, and modern technology allows for the refinement of the most biologically useful proteins. In fact, whey protein is the most biologically useful protein, measured at a value between 120 and 130 on the protein scale. In contrast, an egg is 100 on the scale (which was once the top of the scale).

NOTE:If you are lactose intolerant, you will also be intolerant of whey. Lactose is the primary protein in whey.

My Whey Protein

I currently use the Body Fortress Whey Protein.

First, it is cheap. it is about $15.00 for 2 pounds.

Second, it mixes with just a spoon and stirring by hand. No other whey protein I tried mixes so easily.

Third, I like the taste. Vanilla Creme is my favorite flavor. But both the chocolate and regular vanilla are good. I do switch back and forth between chocolate and vanilla for a change.

Whey Protein Diet - Whey and Dieting

The human body requires protein on a regular basis. Your body can store fats and carbohydrates. But it has difficulty storing protein. The need for protein is the main reason you get hungry.

Hormones in the body control feelings of hunger. Hormones are chemical compounds release by various glands to control bodily functions. One of the hormones associated with appetite is cholecystokinin. Two Studies performed Great Britains University of Surrey show that eating whey protein triggers a decrease in appetite. This is measured by bodily hormone levels. Therefore whey protein can be used as aid when you want to restrict caloric intake. By consuming whey as a snack or meal replacement, you will feel full.

Whey Protein Diet - My Experience

Just like you, I need to lose some weight. I've tried exercise, both cardio vascular and weight training. I've tried all the fad diets too. Low carb diet, low fat diet, calorie restriction diet and the rest. Nothing ever seem to work. My body seemed happy with its current weight and fought me every step of the way. The harder I worked or tried, the harder my body worked against me. To me, it seems as soon as you start dieting, you body goes into starvation mode and starts saving every little calorie it can.

But now I've tried the Whey Protein Diet. There is a world of difference. With this diet I feel full. So far, I'm losing weight and I'm trying to keep it up.

Whey Protein Diet - I'm Eating Whey Protein

With the Whey Protein Diet, you consume whey protein powder mixed with milk, skim milk or soy milk. You can even throw in fruit if you like (try strawberries or blueberries). I don't personally need the fruit. I think the vanilla creme and chocolate flavors are awesome, plus I can just mix it with a spoon in a glass of milk.

For women, you substitute this drink for breakfast and lunch and eat a sensible dinner. For men like me, you may still need a small lunch as well. I drink it for breakfast, everyday. The only time I'll have something else is if I'm away from home.

I feel full after drinking whey protein. I don't feel the need for sugar, or crave anything else. I don't feel like I'm fighting my body or stomach. Both appear to be quite content with whey protein.

I have already lost several pounds and I have energy. No more diet lethargy.

If I get hungry at night, I'll have another glass of whey powder in milk. It has been shown that consuming carbs at night can suppress the release of your natural HGH as you sleep. This is something I want to avoid. But, I want to eat when I'm hungry to stay out of starvation mode. In fact I like to eat something every 3 or 4 hours. Whey protein fits the bill. I get a full belly with minimal carbs (just some from the milk sugars). I suppose I could mix it in water but I would definitely miss my vanilla milk.

Whey Protein Diet - Diet Shake

As I said, it's protein powder mixed with milk, skim milk or soy milk. You have to have 20g to 30g of protein in each shake. That's probably the absolute most protein you can metabolize in one meal. In fact, I rarely use a full scoop to try to keep it at 25g. That protein is also what make you feel full. Your body happily goes work on all that protein and you can concentrate without cravings.

I've had both the vanilla creme and chocolate powder. You can mix fruit in to liven it up, but you are suppose to keep the sugar levels below 10g per shake. I really like the aforementioned flavors, and I don't need to add anything.

I simply still the powder into a glass of milk. Stir it for a few seconds and it all blends in. Using a blender does mix it better. But I find the stir method blends it just fine and is easier.

Whey Protein Diet - The Secret

I think the secret is in the 20g of protein. Ask anyone in the fitness field and they'll tell you 20g is a lot of protein at one sitting. So much in fact, that you probably can't metabolize any more. More than 20g at one time means you'll have some protein rich urine. But the important thing is your body knows it's a bunch of protein. Your body stops complaining not having enough to eat, because it just got all the protein it can handle.