Things to be aware of
The air shark is a wonderful toy for both children and adults. However, you should be aware of a few items before you purchase it. Knowing these few items before you buy will make sure you are happy with your purchase.
1. If you live at high altitudes, you may not be able to use the toy. You'll need to overfill it and rupture the balloon. You may be able to purchase higher grades of helium that will allow it work at high altitudes.
2. You need helium to make it work. It costs about $10 to fill it up at a party balloon store. You will need to top it off every few weeks as well. You may consider purchasing your own helium and filling it at home. High grade helium may work best (from a welding supplier) especially at higher altitudes.
3. You cannot use it outdoors. Small air currents will deprive you of control. So any form of breeze or disturbance will make it impossible to direct the toy.
4. You need a large size room to operate it, as the air shark is pretty big. It won't be able move properly in a confined space. Be aware of knocking things over. Spinning ceiling fans are a hazard to avoid.
5. Over zealous kids and grab and pull of the fins (which can be reattached). In fact, attaching the fins with light glue instead of tape may allow them to break off without damage. However the mylar balloon cannot be repaired. If a kid punctures or damages the balloon your only recourse is buy a replacement balloon.
6. Do not leave a mylar balloon in the car as it may explode as the car heats up. The helium will expand beyond the tolerance of the mylar if left in a car during a sunny day.
7. The radio control requires a line of sight to operate. The limit of the range is 40 feet. You may find that the range is slightly less. However, unless you are in a gym or auditorium, 40 feet should be ample.
8. It requires assembly and may take 2 hours and patience to first put together.