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how to get rid of pimples

How To Get Rid Of Pimples

Do you want to know how to get rid of pimples? Would you like to know what treatments there are?

First we must look at what is a pimple. What causes pimple to form? What factors contruibute to it? Undestanding the problem is the first step toward solving it.

Second, you must attack the underlying cause of the pimple. What can you do to stop pimples? Are there effectve treatments? What changes can be made?

Finally, what can you do when you have a pimple? Learn how to get rid of pimples fast. Discover what steps can you take to rid yourself of it.

Lemon Juice

Lemons are a natural source of Salicylic Acid. Salicylic Acid is an exfoliant for your skin. It will penetrate clogged pores and remove the blockages, both treating and preventing pimples.

Salicylic Acid is so effective, it is used in many commercial products. For example, salicylic acid is main ingredient in both products below.

But why spend money on expensive peels and other products containing salicylic acid when you you can easily get cheap lemons at the supermarket. Lemons contain all the salicylic acid you need. Click here for simple instructions for how to use lemon juice for acne.

What is a pimple?

The simplest definition of a pimple is a clogged pore. A pore is composed of a hair follicle and a sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland is responsible for secreting sebum onto you skin. Sebum is an oil that is a necessary and natural part of your skin.

A clogged pore cannot release the oil from the sebaceous gland. The oil remains trapped under the skin. A completely closed pored results in a whitehead. A partially closed pore allows some exposure to air while still trapping a majority of the oil. The air darkens the affected area becoming a blackhead.

The final stage of the clogged pore is pustule. This is a pimple or a zit. Hair follicles contain bacteria. These bacteria live on the oil from the sebaceous gland. They absolutely thrive on the build up of oil in the clogged pore. This triggers an immune response from the human body. White blood cells rushed to the affected pore, remaining just below the skin surface. This cause the bump of the pimple and inflammation is reason for the often red coloring.

What would you do if someone could guarantee you'll have no more pimples? That is exactly what Clear Skin Max does.

What are the Causes

You have learned what a pilmple is. What are the factors that cause of contributes to pimples?

Dead Skin Cells
Dead skin cells are what clogs pores. Your skin sheds the topmost layer contantly. New cells push their way to the top where they displace previous cells that have died due to daily activity. This dead layer is the stratum corneum. Eventually they fall off. 30,000 to 40,000 of them fall off every hour, and about one million in a day. These dead cells that remain on the skin have the potential to clog pores and produce of a pimple.

Excess Sebum
The oil produced by the sebaceous gland is the food source for bacteria. Periods of stress, certain foods or other factor can cause the glands to produce more oil than normal. The result is a higher likelyhood of a clogged pore or a higher than normal amount of basteria.

Bacteria found on the human body are part of the natural flora and fauna. Such bacteria are healthy in the proper balance. However, should their be an abundance of bacteria on your skin, it can lead to pimples.

Frustrated by pimples? Click here for a free bottle of Acnezine pimple treatment.

Treatment Options

There are several methods of treating pimples.

Lemon Juice
You can apply lemon juice to pimples. This is a cheap, easy and effective home remedy. Lemon juice contains salicylic acid. It works to exfoliate the dead skin cells. The acid also penerate clogged pores. I have actually cleared up an outbreak overnight using lemon juice.

Treatment Systems
Multiple products exist to treat pimples

Or, if you want to know how to get rid of pimples fast, there are two methods.

Hot Compress Method

Ice Pack Method

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice is cheap, easy and effective.

Buy a fresh lemon at the supermarket. Squeeze all the jucie into a container, preferrably one you can use to store the leftover juice in. Before bed, clean you skin nromally to remove dirt and oils.Apply the lemon juice to the affected area. It will sting the eyes and open sores. If possible use the pure juice. If it stings too much, you can dilute with water until you can tolerate it on your skin. If possible leave it on your skin overnight. If it is too painful, you can wash it off after ten minutes.

You may want to test the juice on a small patch of skin to make sure you don't have an adverse reaction like a rash or redness
Lemon juice also contains vitamin C. Vitamin C may darken you skin when exposed to sunlight. Wash off the lemon juice before going into sunlight.

Click here for more information on lemon juice for acne

Hot Compress

This is for use on pimple that are open or you are going to pop.

1. Wash your skin to remove makeup and dirt

2. Use a hot, wet washcloth and press down on pimple for 30 minutes. If it cools, remove it an heat it up again.

3. Dry the skin.

4. Pop the pimple.

5. Use benzoyl peroxide to dry up any oil

Ice Pack

Use this method on a closed pimple.

1, Wash your face to remove makeup, oil and dirt.

2. Make an ice pack from crushed ice and washcloth. Apply to the pmple for ten mintues.

3. After ten minutes, apply benzoyl peroxide to dry any oils

4. Repeat every 3 hours