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Disney Monologue

Do you need a Disney Monologue to perform?

A monologue is a scene performed by a single character. A Disney Monologue is a monologue from one of the many Disney movies made over the years.

What Disney films have good monologues? The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Alice In Wonderland, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Snow White and Beauty and the Beast all Disney Movies that have good monologues to perform.

Or, if you prefer something for an older actor, there is a great monologue from the first Pirates of the Carribean. It is the shocking revelation by Hector Barbossa that he is cursed. He cannot feel warmth or taste food. At one point he says "Too long I've been starving
to death and haven't died." and he ends with "You best start believing in ghost stories Miss Turner. You're in one!"

Disney Monologues and more can be found at ActingScenes.com

Disney Monologue

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What is a Monologue

What is a monologue? A monologue is an acting scene performed by a single actor. It's usually a one minute speech. One minute is long time, and often a monologue can be shorter than a minute.

The purpose of a monologue is to showcase your acting skills. Generally actors commit one comedic and one dramatic monologue to memory. An actor can deliver either monologue at a moments notice. You will want to memorize not only the speech, the emotional colors and emotional transitions of the monologue. Practice your monologues over and over again. Some people practice in a mirror or in front of a video camera. However, how you look is not as important as you feel. When you experience the emotions of the scene, you know your character is conveying the desired result.

Disney Acting Scenes

Disney monologues and acting scenes are perfectly suited for child and teen actors and actresses. Disney television casts more child actors than any other production company or studio. The shows are usually marketed to children, thus they cast children.

Disney holds open auditions periodically around the country. Performers can sing and act for the Disney casting agents. If you plan to attend one of these events as an actor, having a Disney monologue to perform may be a good idea. After all, Disney will be looking for actors to perform Disney material.

Disney Monologue

One big secret in Hollywood is that the casting agent doesn't want someone in an audition to walk in and then assume the role using their acting skills. Instead, they want someone to actually be the role, from the moment they walk in. What does this mean? Well, it means there the a pre-conceived notion of the character. The actor who walks in the door already fitting that pre-conceived notion (before anyone says a word) is likely to get the role.

What does that mean for you? That means you walk in the door looking and behaving like a Disney character. How do you do that? You research other Disney characters by watching Disney movies and shows. Leading characters are all usually stereotypes, a handsome good looking prince, a beautiful but isolated girl, the all American quarterback. Sidekicks exists almost solely for comedic purposes, so if you are auditioning for the sidekick, be funny. Villains tend to scheme more than commit violence. So choose a monologue that fits the role you are going for.

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