Twilight New Moon Actors
Robert Pattinson plays Edward Cullen in the movies. Do you think he is a good choice for the role?
Stephanie Meyers, the author of the twilight books, refers to Edward as the mythical Greek god Adonis. Edward is impossibly beautiful. Does Robert fit this bill? He has smaller frame than Jacob, and Jacob carries much more weight. Robert is pale, and perhaps made paler with makeup, so he fits there. But he is handsome? Handsome enough to called Adonis?
Hollywood has no shortage of strikingly beautiful people. Some must physically fit the the description of Edward than Robert Pattinson.
Was it Roberts acting ability than won him the role? Or perhaps his chemistry with Kristen Stewart? It is difficult to see the actors ability in the movie, or any chemistry. The dialogue and drama do not often lead to moments where the actors can shine. Perhaps in some other role we will see Robert deliver a great performance.